一课译词:跋山涉水 “跋山涉水”,汉语成语,意思是指翻山越岭,趟水过河,形容旅途艰苦。可以翻译为“travel over mountains and rivers,make an arduous journey”等。例句:他们跋...
“落花流水”,汉语成语,字面意思是“fallen flowers carried away by flowing water”,原是形容暮春景色衰败。后常用来比喻被打得大败。可以翻译为“be badly beaten,suffer a crushing defeat”。 例句: 主队将客队打得落花流水。 The home team gave the guest team...
比如,李白的「凤去台空江自流」(出自《登金陵凤凰台》)翻译成白话文是「凤凰离开了,凤凰台空了,江水兀自流淌」,解释得越细致,「江自流」留下的空白就越遭受挤压。 翻译家许渊冲将它翻译为英文,「The birds are gone, but still roll on the river’s waves.」对于读惯...
“饮水思源”,字面意思是“喝水的时候,要想到水是从哪里来的(When drinking water, one should not forget its source)”。出自南北朝时期诗人庾信的《徵调曲》,“落其实者思其树...
这里有一段英文的诗歌,用中文翻译了一下,结果所有人都惊呆了!不信?您请看! 英文原文: You say that you love rain, but you open your umbrella when it rains... You say that you love the sun, but you find a shadow spot when the sun shines...
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